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Creating a Design for Test Report

Create New Report

To create a new report, click either the "NEW DFT REPORT" toolbar or "DFT REPORT" menu button.

New DFT Report Buttons

Select Netlist

Change the default project name (if preferred) and select a IPC-D-356 netlist file. Valid extensions are .d356 or .ipc. See this page for help if needed.,

Completed DUT Info

The netlist will be processed and a preview of all test records will be generated.

Press Continue to proceed.

Set DUT Dimensions

The width and depth of the device under test is estimated using the maximum extent of the netlists test records.

Update these values if they're not accurate, but feel free to leave them as is if it's still early in your design process.

DUT Size Adjustment

Select Test Points

A table will be generated with all the test records that were identified within the netlist report.

Test Point Table

Selected test points are highlighted in the preview window in Gold.

Selected Test Points

Test Point Filters

These can then be filtered in several different ways.

  1. Search by reference designator or net name Net Name Search
  2. Filter by side of the board that the component is placed DUT Side
  3. Filter by common reference designator prefixes
    1. Common IPC designators are available
      1. TP: Test Points
      2. J: Connectors Common Designators
  4. Show only selected test points Show Selected

Configure Through-Hole Components

All through-hole components are automatically set as Populated. This refers to the componet being placed and soldered onto the DUT, requiring a "Cup" style test probe to be used.

If a through-hole component will not be populated, deselect it from this table. Ths will identify that a "Arrow" style test probe should be used.

Through-Hole Components

Select Locating Holes or Guide Pins

Select any mounting or tooling holes that can be used to locate the DUT. All test records can be viewed from the table, with the default pills being selected for all common Tooling Hole and Mounting Hole reference designators.

Locating Holes

Selected Locating Holes are shown in Purple.

Guide Pin Filters

These can then be filtered in several different ways.

  1. Search by reference designator or net name
  2. Filter by common reference designator prefixes
    1. Common IPC designators are available
      1. H
      2. M
      3. MH
      4. MNT
  3. Show only selected guide pins

Design for Test Analysis

A simple analysis of the selected features will then be run. Issues are categorized into two different categories:

  • Errors
    • High risk issues that could affect manufacturing feasibility and fixture reliability
    • Highly recommended to address all of these issues.
  • Warnings
    • Moderate risk issues
    • Can affect fixture reliability and/or fixture cost

All of these issues will be shown in the issue tree as shown below.

Issue Tree

Additional information on the analysis of the DUT can be found here.